The association "Southslavic Christian Mission" with its headquater in Seeheim at the Bergstrasse was formerly the "Yugoslav Christian Mission". Since Yugoslavia no longer exists as to its former territory and the Yugoslavs are Southslavic people we have changed our name to "Southslavic Christian Mission". But neither the field nor the ministry of our mission has changed.
Our missionary activities are carried out on the basis of the German Evangelical Alliance in cooperation with established and independend churches as well as social enterprises. Our ministry is the propagation of the gospel of Jesus Christ in Germany among fellow citizens, refugees, and asylum seekers from former Yugoslavia and in its sucessor states as well. For these people we make worship services, housecalls, use the Bible and other Christian literature, conduct Bible courses, and distribute music and video sassettes. We minister to needy and sick people at home and in hospitals and provide relief for people affected by the war.
We gratedfully welcome any financial assistance to our ministry. Our organization involves itself in unselfish and benevolent activities and operates as a non-profit enterprise as prescriped by law and is therefore entitled to issue tax deductible receipts.
We work together with Christians who are helping us to establish new contacts and are assisting us with prayer and gifts to promote the gospel . You too are able to help us in many different ways because we need volunteer helpers. Will you help? A possibly large distance can be overcomed . We are looking for co-workers and are grateful for any assistance from churches, missionary organisations, officials and individuals. We gladly will visit your church to preach and report about our ministry. Please write or call us.
Should you consider our ministry to be valuable please help us and pray for us that we may carry out the Lord 's work.
In the bonds of Christ yours
Milan Vujcic